All About TPA Stream’s WEX Health Integrations

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WEX Health is a leading benefit administration platform that helps 343,000 employers and more than 28 million consumers better manage healthcare expenses. WEX Health integrations help make administration even easier. 

There’s a good chance that your TPA uses WEX Health, or one of the other leading benefit administration platforms to administer benefits. In fact, some clients come to us and they use many benefit administration software platforms, which obviously adds complexity and cost to their administration tasks. 

TPA Stream has developed solutions that make administration easier, more accurate, and more profitable. Here, we’ll dive into our industry-leading integrations with WEX Health. 

The WEX Health and TPA Stream Integration 

If you already use WEX Health, TPA Stream directly and securely integrates, so you do not have to worry about downtime or security issues. Rest assured, the integration just works. (If you’re curious on the security point in particular, check out our security page for more information.)

What are the benefits of using an integration with WEX Heath? 

Even though most of the day to day administration likely occurs for you within the benefits administration platform itself, we’re here to make all the other stuff easy. Using both WEX Health and TPA Stream, you’ll streamline tasks related to data import and export between WEX Health and other systems that you use regularly. Below, we highlight some of our most popular solutions that supercharge administration with WEX Health. 

WEX Health Integrations for Claims Processing

Claims Harvesting connects participant claims data to automate enrollment and substantiation for over 200+ carriers. Participants register with our quick and easy registration process. TPA Stream will send participants a registration email on behalf of the TPA and employer, complete with your branding and a personalized invitation to enroll. Participants can select specific carriers and enter their username and password to link their accounts, then we’ll begin pulling claims data for them. Then, this data is automatically sent to your WEX Health account for automatic substantiation and reimbursement. Claims processing integrations with WEX Health have dramatically reduced our client’s time spent on substantiation and have improved accuracy, making them more competitive and improving their margins. 

Consolidated Invoicing Makes Invoicing and Billing Easier

One of the challenges TPAs have is integrating data from their Benefit Administration system and their invoicing or billing systems. Our Consolidated Invoicing solution is the missing link between your benefits administration system and your bookkeeping system, allowing you to generate accurate and detailed invoices for your services. No more back-of-the-envelope math, Access database exports, or questions from brokers or employers about the finer details of the invoice. Accuracy dramatically increases and what’s better: you can charge a premium for this level of service.  

The Bottom Line

If you use WEX Health for even some of your administration, chances are TPA Stream can help you streamline the flow of data between WEX Health and the other software you use daily. TPAs face challenges dealing with this volume of data and consistency across systems, but with the specialized technology solutions we’ve developed, TPA Stream can help your TPA run at its best. 

Learn more about our solutions or request a demo to discuss your specific needs.

Why TPA Stream

TPA Stream is a thriving, innovative insurance technology company committed to empowering better benefits by connecting systems, transforming data, and helping TPAs unlock more revenue.

Learn more about TPA Stream here.

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